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Babystyle Oyster Max Stroller Chassis And Seat, Mirror Finish

Babystyle Oyster Max Stroller Chassis And Seat, Mirror Finish

BEST PRICE: £394.00

Babystyle Oyster Max Stroller Chassis And Seat, Mirror Finish
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Price Checked (19th Nov)


The Oyster Max is designed to be an outstanding single pushchair in its own right, and it can be easily converted into a tandem pushchair with more than 25 configurations, making it an amazingly versatile, compact and lightweight pushchair. The Oyster Max has multiple seat options and is easy to manoeuvre with lockable front swivel wheels and cantilever independent suspension. The seat unit is suitable from birth and can be forward or parent facing. The lower tandem seat is suitable from 6 months and the pushchair itself is compatible with Maxi Cosi Pebble Plus, Maxi Cosi, Besafe and Cybex car seats. There is suspension across the whole frame so your baby will get a smooth ride at all times and the compact fold mechanism makes it easy to carry. The following Oyster 2 accessories are compatible with the Oyster Max: carrycot, parasol, changing bag, footmuff and ride-on board. Please note: this product includes the chassis only. You will need to purchase an Oyster 2 colour pack to use this as a single pushchair. If you wish to use this as a double pushchair, customers will need to purchase a tandem seat unit as well as a tandem seat colour pack.




EAN: 5060427621122
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